Hello blogging world....

My name is Erin and I am a mother from Seattle, Wa. I am grateful to be able to stay home with my three children, and though it is the most trying job in the world, it is also the greatest one. I am so thankful to have this time with my beautiful children; they are growing up so quickly.

One of my passions aside from motherhood is movies. I just adore them. Not sure where this obsession first began, but I have a feeling it started with the classic ET when I was a small girl. Since then, I have not just sat silently watching, but always analyzing and critiquing as I go along. So, with this in mind, I decided to start this little blog and put my thoughts on "paper" for all see, and criticize. :) I don't profess to be a great writer; just someone who has a few things to share. Feel free to leave comments, questions, etc. My format won't be an organized one, just whatever comes to mind.

Welcome to the Diaper Reel!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

FABULOUS!!! Want to see it again; no disappointment this time. Well, I still think that Kristen Stewert is the number one worst actress on the continent, but other then that, FABULOUS!
More on this one later....

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to hear how you rate this one on the diaper reel!
