Hello blogging world....

My name is Erin and I am a mother from Seattle, Wa. I am grateful to be able to stay home with my three children, and though it is the most trying job in the world, it is also the greatest one. I am so thankful to have this time with my beautiful children; they are growing up so quickly.

One of my passions aside from motherhood is movies. I just adore them. Not sure where this obsession first began, but I have a feeling it started with the classic ET when I was a small girl. Since then, I have not just sat silently watching, but always analyzing and critiquing as I go along. So, with this in mind, I decided to start this little blog and put my thoughts on "paper" for all see, and criticize. :) I don't profess to be a great writer; just someone who has a few things to share. Feel free to leave comments, questions, etc. My format won't be an organized one, just whatever comes to mind.

Welcome to the Diaper Reel!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Best and Worst of 2009

I know that everyone has just been DYING to know my opinion regarding the 2009 year in review. :) So here it is for your enjoyment....
Granted, I do not watch rated R movies, so that narrowed my list by quite a large margin. I also looked back and realized how many movies I missed watching entirely because of my mommy status (which I wouldn't give up for anything!), so this list may not be exactly accurate. :)
Erin's Best of 2009:
5) Twilight Saga: New Moon- I know, I can hear the groans...but truly, this movie was far and away better then the first. See below for full review.
4) Julie and Julia- Insightful look into the life of one of the world's most fun characters. And directed in such a way that made the audience fall in love with not only Julia Child, but also the character Julie who's life we truly get invested in as well.
3) Harry Potter 6- A fabulous depiction of the well-beloved book in JK Rowlings' series.
2) Up- One of my absoulte favorite animated movies of all time. Witty, good-humored, emotional, fun for kids and adults alike.
1) The Blind Side- See review below. In my top 10 of all time.
Erin's Worst of 2009-
Now this one was hard. There were plenty that I did not see (The Hangover, Couples Retreat, Obsessed), to which I am thankful and surely would have made this list. But, of those that I did watch, these were the absolute worst...
4) The Proposal- Would have been among my absolute favorites if not for the nudity and crude remarks along the way. Also rather predictable.
3) Confessions of a Shop-o-holic- Rather boring, acting was terrible.
2) I Love You Man- Only saw part of it on a plane, and had to turn it off. This is definitely not my kind of movie.
1) He's Just Not that Into You- Walked out of the theater it was so crude.
And just for good measure, honorable mentions. Though not released in 2009, these are the films that I personally saw for the first time in 09 and absolutely adored. I highly recommend each and every one. And as most of my good friends know, once I get onto a movie, I stick with it for weeks. These are just a few examples from this year:
-The Secret Life of Bees, 2008
-Enchanted, 2007
-Penelope, 2008
-Miss Petegrew Lives For a Day, 2008
-Stardust, 2007
That is all for now......See you at the movies!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Based on the Michael Lewis' book "The Blind Side" and more importantly the true life story of Raven's rookie Michael Oher, this fantastic and moving film tramples over the competition and burrows quickly into our hearts. I believe that this rags to riches true story, fantastic cast of characters, and tear-jerking ability has won it one of my top ten movies of the year. And let's face it, THAT sure is an accomplishment!! :)
This amazing story surrounds a homeless 17 year old boy named Michael Oher. Michael, whom everyone has labeled "Big Mike" has no home, no family, no money, and all of a sudden found himself thrust into a private school where he doesn't fit in, doesn't understand anything that the teachers are forcing on him, and doesn't feel welcomed. I literally felt heart broken for the first half hour of the film watching him struggle through each and every day. Then one wintery night, LeighAnn Touhy, a high class mom on a mission, takes him in from the cold. And from that day on, a story unfolds between Michael and his new family. And not only for him, but for the four members of the Touhy family as well. Both are changed, both are strengthened, and both learn to love. Not only does this story touch the heart, director John Lee Hancock also adds the perfect flavor of humor and sarcasim to make it memorable and fun to watch. And for those men out there, the football is fantastic!
Normally when you think of Sandra Bullock, what comes to mind? Miss Congeniality, The Proposal, or Premonition? Maybe even While You Were Sleeping or A Time to Kill (classics!)? I may receive some grief for this statement, but I truly believe that this character, LeighAnn Touhy, is the absolute best of Bullock's career. She emulated this mother with amazing ability, her struggle, her love, her strength of will. She truly shined on screen. I admire all of her hard work and effort as she studied this story, and it's true life heros. Though her accent wasn't spot on 100% of the time, she did beautifully...
Truthfully, I was a little shocked to see Tim McGraw in such a prominent role in this film. And boy was I pleasently surprised. Is it because I had no expectations of him as an actor? Possibly.....however, I truly believe that he put his heart into the role of Sean Touhy, and it showed. His laid-back southern attitude was impressive as his wife changed their lives one decision after another. He played his role as a father well.
And now the crowning jewel of this film, Quinton Aaron. Though I hear he was in a few Law and Order episodes, to me, he was truly an unknown. And I really believe that he played his part perfectly. He was detached, emotional, funny, self-conscious, thoughtful, all in the correct parts and places. It showed on screen his love for the struggle of the character he was playing, and the inspirational message I believe he wanted to convey within the movie. It made his performance all the greater when I remembered that he was really playing a real live person, who had gone through all of the emotional termoil this boy was simply depicting on screen. He really was a sight to behold.
With the mix of these three greats, some comic relief, great football, and heart-warming story, the "Blind Side" has it all. I give it my highest rank, a 1 diaper day....fabulous!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is it truly possible to depict a vampire love story on screen? I sure didn't think so after the first installment of the Twilight series came out a few months ago. I was terribly disappointed by not only the screenplay, but mostly the cast of characters meant to play these beloved friends of mine from Stephenie Meyer's amazing books. The acting was mediocre at best, the scenery was edgy, and the story line did not follow the novel. Needless to say, I was a bit devastated by the whole experience.
And then here comes the second installment....New Moon. I tried to remain calm when the first trailers started popping up on television sets (and Internet, and magazines, and...and...) all over the country. I did not want to set myself up for a complete disappointment (again!).
Other critiques I have read have labeled New Moon as having a "lack of passion", and that new director Christopher Whites doesn't seem to be as attached to the story as prior director of Twilight Catherine Hardwicke was. Some have said that there was not a lot of action but the emotions are heavy. Like waiting for a shoe to drop. I truly haven't read much in terms of positive reviews.
I, on the other hand, absolutely adored this movie. Most of this positive emotion I am sure stems from my love and admiration of the Twilight novels, but none the less, I loved it. Couldn't get enough. I live for this stuff. :) The whole purpose of starting a movie review blog was to share my passion for movies with others, and this is a prime example of a movie I would be excited and passionate about. And not just because of the very good looking cast of characters. :)
In this very emotional New Moon, Kristen Stewert, who plays are fair heroine Bella, still does not induce any type of feeling out of me, except for a possible choking sensation. Though I believe that new director, Chris Weitz, pushed her to her limits in terms of acting ability, she still falls short. Bella is said to be in complete emotional turmoil throughout 99% of this movie. Kristen Stewert on the other hand, could have been bored out of her mind for all of the emotion she displayed. This character of Bella SHOULD have been a difficult one. SHOULD have been emotionally trying in every way shape and form if she was doing it correctly. She did not move me one bit. She showed little emotion when the love of her life said he did not want her anymore. Showed little emotion when he was about to be tortured by other vampires. Even showed little emotion when she was being torn between two gorgeous men! Is that possible??? Apparently for little miss KS, it is.

Jacob, on the other hand, played by the fabulous Taylor Lautner, stole the show. And this is a heavy statement coming from a girl who is Team Edward through and through. I believe Taylor displayed Jacob's emotional roller coaster ride of loving Bella perfectly. Was an amazing mix of teenager, yet warrior like, loving, yet torn. He did so well in his character as Jacob that by the end of the film I found myself wanting him to get the girl! I felt there was more chemistry between Bella and Jacob, then even Bella and Edward throughout the movie. I can't wait to see more of him in the future!
Though I have heard both positive and negative feedback regarding new director, Chris Weitz, I am of the opinion that he truly did his best with this film and the actors he had to work with. The good, he stuck to the plot of the book, added some great humor to spice it up a bit, did a FABULOUS job with the cinematography and scenery (loved the woods scene with Victoria running away from the wolves), and was even sensitive to the teenage female plait. The not so good, he couldn't make Kristen Stewert show any type of emotion what-so-ever. :)

All in all, I enjoyed the movie immensely and wanted to watch it again the minute it was over! :) Minus Kristen Stewert, it would have been a 10! But still, I give it a one diaper day, FABULOUS!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

FABULOUS!!! Want to see it again; no disappointment this time. Well, I still think that Kristen Stewert is the number one worst actress on the continent, but other then that, FABULOUS!
More on this one later....

Friday, November 13, 2009

New In Town

Oh my oh my......where to start?
The other day I realized that I was going to have a free evening to myself. What to do? What to do? So many choices! So, I decided on a few crafts to finish up, and go rent a movie that I have never seen before, and one in which my husband would most likely not want to sit through. With my first choice of movies being completely out, I decided on this one, New In Town. Boy was that a mistake!
I normally enjoy Renee Zellweger, especially as Miss Bridget Jones, but was completely disappointed by hers (as well as everyone else') performance in this rather dull movie. I am not sure if she even cracked a smile throughout the entire film, though she was supposed to be falling in love with elusive stranger in hick ville (OK, Minnisota....though they give all the residents there a terrible accent and make them look like they have the IQ of a rodent), Harry Conick Jr. And don't even get me started on him. Never ever have I benefited from a single performance on screen with Mr. Conick Jr. And this performance was no different. Boring and uninspiriting to the last male line.
The plot is completely predictable, and seen many times before, in much better movies. Boy meets girl, boy and girl don't like each other, boy and girl are forced to spend time together, and wall-ah! Boy and girl end up falling in love. We've seen it before, we will see it again, and with much better acting talent the next time.
Completely predictable, uninteresting. I knew what was approaching, never having even seen the trailer. I was doing crafts throughout the entire movie, missing scenes here and there to do something (anything!) else, and still didn't miss a thing. Got bored, got distracted; and that is very telling considering I am a hopeless romantic and am normally glued to the screen with any type of "true love" scene approaching. Predictable plot, predictable lines, and unfortunately, predictable acting. And, I would like to add, unrealistic. The characters were contrived, the situation was just "too perfect" for the plot. No fun at all!
The best part of the movie was the Carrie Underwood song playing during the end scene.
I give New In Town my lowest rating, a four diaper day! Yikes!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So extremely excited about this upcoming movie. SO EXCITED!!!! Hopefully it will meet all of my expectations.... :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

All Time Favorite

I have decided to begin my first review with my favorite movie of all time. And this movie has been my favorite since I was about 8 years old, never changed, never varied. I may be called old fashioned, but I can't help it if this movie has such a hold on me. I still watch it every Christmas season, and sometimes more often then that. :) It is a tradition for my mom and I to watch it as the first Christmas movie of the year, always together and always making our favorite baked goods. Great thing to look forward to every year.
It's a Wonderful Life

Every movie is created with some passion and intent behind it. And all of us react to individual movies in different ways, mainly how it effects us personally or how we relate to the story being told. But then there are the "classics". In my mind, these are the timeless stories that never get old in our minds, the ones that we can watch over and over again and still not get enough. That we watch anxiously, though we already know the outcome. These are the ones that enter our hearts to stay. That is how I feel about this timeless movie. Inspirational, beautiful message, family movie, good ol black and white, and some of the best actors and actresses that ever graced the screen. I don't think that there will ever be another to replace it.

Of course my rating, a 1 diaper day, FABULOUS (and even better if possible)!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Here I am!

Hello blogging world....
My name is Erin and I am a mother from Seattle, Wa. I am grateful to be able to stay home with my twin boys, and though it is the most trying job in the world, it is also the greatest one. I am so thankful to have this time with my beautiful boys; they are growing up so fast.
One of my passions aside from motherhood is movies. I just adore them. Not sure where this obsession first started, but here it is in full force! Ever since ET when I was a tiny girl, I have been addicted. And not just sitting silently by just watching, but always analysing and critiquing as I go along. So, with this in mind, I decided to start this little blog and put my thoughts on "paper" for all see, and criticise. :) Feel free to leave comments, questions, etc. My format won't be an organized one, just whatever comes to mind.
Welcome to the Diaper Reel!